
This module gathers all classes and methods used to transform data to new scales.

class ITransformer

Bases: ABC

This abstract class describes a generic transformer class.

classmethod normalize(data: Any, in_scales: Scale) Any
classmethod normalize(data: Series, in_scales: Union[Mapping[Any, Scale], Scale]) Series
classmethod normalize(data: CommensurableValues) CommensurableValues[QuantitativeScale]
classmethod normalize(data: Values) Values[QuantitativeScale]
classmethod normalize(data: DataFrame, in_scales: Union[Mapping[Any, Scale], Scale]) DataFrame
classmethod normalize(data: AdjacencyValueMatrix) AdjacencyValueMatrix[QuantitativeScale]
classmethod normalize(data: PerformanceTable) PerformanceTable[QuantitativeScale]
classmethod normalize(data: PartialValueMatrix) PartialValueMatrix[QuantitativeScale]

Normalize input data.

Output type is the same as input data type.

  • data

  • in_scales – input scales (must be used when data doesn’t have scales attribute)


normalized data (new object)


TypeError – if type of arguments are not supported

classmethod transform(data: Any, out_scales: S, in_scales: Scale) Any
classmethod transform(data: Series, out_scales: Union[S, Mapping[Any, S]], in_scales: Union[Scale, Mapping[Any, Scale]]) Series
classmethod transform(data: CommensurableValues, out_scales: S) CommensurableValues[S]
classmethod transform(data: Values, out_scales: Union[S, Mapping[Any, S]]) Values[S]
classmethod transform(data: DataFrame, out_scales: Union[S, Mapping[Any, S]], in_scales: Union[Scale, Mapping[Any, Scale]]) DataFrame
classmethod transform(data: AdjacencyValueMatrix, out_scales: S) AdjacencyValueMatrix[S]
classmethod transform(data: PerformanceTable, out_scales: Union[S, Mapping[Any, S]]) PerformanceTable[S]
classmethod transform(data: PartialValueMatrix, out_scales: Union[S, Mapping[Any, S]]) PartialValueMatrix[S]

Transform input data to new scales.

Output type is the same as input data type.

  • data

  • out_scales – output scales

  • in_scales – input scales (must be used when data doesn’t have scales attribute)


transformed data (new object)


TypeError – if type of arguments are not supported

normalize(data, in_scales=None)

Normalize input data.

Output type is the same as input data type.


normalized data (new object)


TypeError – if type of arguments are not supported

Return type

Union[Any, Series, Values[QuantitativeScale], CommensurableValues[QuantitativeScale], DataFrame, AdjacencyValueMatrix[QuantitativeScale], PerformanceTable[QuantitativeScale], PartialValueMatrix[QuantitativeScale]]

transform(data, out_scales, in_scales=None)

Transform input data to new scales.

Output type is the same as input data type.


transformed data (new object)


TypeError – if type of arguments are not supported

Return type

Union[Any, Series, Values[S], CommensurableValues[S], DataFrame, AdjacencyValueMatrix[S], PerformanceTable[S], PartialValueMatrix[S]]