How to contribute?

Setup environment

If you want to start contributing to this project, you will need to set up your development environment. The project uses python 3.10.7. We recommend installing it using a dev container or a python environment (see step 2).

  1. First start by forking this repository. Go to our Gitlab page and hit the fork button. Then you need to clone your fork on your machine:

    $ git clone pymcda
    $ cd pymcda
    $ git remote add upstream
  2. Then we recommend that you create a separate python environment for this project using for example pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv (see python environment for installation details)

    $ pyenv install 3.10.7          # Install python 3.10.7 with pyenv
    $ pyenv virtualenv 3.10.7 mcda  # Create a python 3.10.7 virtualenv called 'mcda'
    $ pyenv local mcda              # Set up 'community-analysis' as the environment to use in the project folder
  3. You can then install the system requirements:

    $ sudo apt-get install graphviz pandoc
  4. You can then install the required python packages:

    $ make install


    This command uses pip, if you didn’t follow step 2, you need to have it installed. Otherwise you can use the project requirements.txt file and install them the way you want.

  5. We strongly recommend you set up a pre-commit hook so that you can test your changes locally automatically when commiting (see this)

Alternatively, you could replace steps 2 through 4 by using our VS Code devcontainer. You need the docker engine installed for that.

  1. Install the requirements to use dev containers inside VS Code

  2. Simply open the project folder in VS Code

  3. Click the green button located in the bottom-left corner of VS Code (or open the command palette)

  4. Select Remote Containers - Reopen in Container

  5. VS Code will now reload and start initializing the containers. Wait for it to complete. This may take a while the very first time as pip dependencies must be installed.

We provide a pre-commit hook that will test your code when commiting. It tests the unit tests and the linters and cancels the commit if they fail. You can set it up easily:

$ chmod +x pre-commit         # make sure it has execution rights
$ cp pre-commit .git/hooks/.  # install pre-commit hook

You are ready to go! If you are unsure, you can run some of the tests included in the Makefile.


As mentionned earlier, the dev branch is the most up-to-date version of the project. You should always start from this branch when developing a new feature or bugfix. And any change made shall ultimately be merged on this branch.

Identify an issue

It is a good practice to keep an issue and bug tracker as complete and up-to-date as possible (see issue tracker).

So it is recommended you start any development by creating a new issue, or selecting an open issue on the gitlab repository. You can then assign this issue to yourself so other contributors know this issue is being taken care of.

Create temporary branch

You should create a branch specific to the development you want to do, this branch shall spans from the up-to-date dev branch:

$ git checkout dev              # get on 'dev' branch
$ git pull                      # update branch so it matches its remote state
$ git checkout -b n-xxxx        # create and get on a feature branch (when resolving an issue 'xxxx' with number 'n')

Alternatively, you can go on Gitlab, select the issue you are working on, and click on the drop-down part of the blue button that says “create merge request” and select “create branch” instead. Make sure the new branch spans from dev (for a feature or bugfix) or master (only for a hotfix). Then you can work on this branch:

$ git fetch                     # fetch all changes on the remote repository
$ git checkout n-xxxx           # get the temporary branch (replace its name with the one you chose on gitlab)

Working on temporary branch

When working, remember to commit and push your changes often. If working on a specified issue, always reference that issue in the commit messages (see this). Also whenever an issue has been resolved, mention it in the message of the commit solving the issue. We recommend that you develop alongside the followings:

  • source code

  • documentation (see this for more details)

    • doc-string (see this for more details)

    • type hints (see this for more details)

    • comments (see this for more details)

  • unit tests (see this for more details)

  • notebooks showing how a high-level use of your newly added features (see this for more details)

We also recommend you test your code as often as possible, using the provided Makefile targets.

You can keep up with other branches progress, using the following command:

$ git fetch

Merging branch on common dev branch

When your development is over and you think it can be merged back into the dev branch, you shall check the following:

  1. Your changes actually accomplish what they were intended (e.g the issue related to the branch is resolved)

  2. Your code passes the linters

  3. The documentation of your changes is complete

  4. The unit tests are working and cover all your changes (exception tolerated for plotting functions)

  5. The notebooks cover your changes (recommended but not mandatory)

  6. The changes have been appended to the top of the changelog

  7. The package requirements are up-to-date (both in the requirements.txt and files)

  8. All your changes have been pushed on the online repository

Then you can open a new merge request on gitlab, requesting the merge of your branch on our dev branch. Please use the following options:

  • Delete source branch after merge

  • Do not stash changes before merge

Then your merge request will be checked and only applied when approved by a project maintainer. While the merge request is open, you can add commits to it, and interact with other developers about the request. Until the merge request is approved and applied, you may have to come back to it and perform some changes.

However in the meantime, you can start working on a new feature.

We recommend to start from the dev branch, however in the case where the previous merge request has not yet been accepted and your new feature will depend on it, you may start a new branch spanning from your not-yet-merged branch.

When the merge is applied, you can delete your local branch and its remote tracking:

$ git branch -d n-xxxx
$ git branch -d -r origin/n-xxxx

Release a new version

When enough features have been added, or if a package-breaking bug has been fixed, we may want to release a new version of the package on PyPI. We will check the following:

  1. Your code passes the linters

  2. The documentation of your changes is complete

  3. The unit tests are working and cover all your changes (exception tolerated for plotting functions)

  4. The notebooks cover your changes (recommended but not mandatory)

  5. The changes have been appended to the top of the changelog

  6. A version number is associated to the release and appended at the top of the changelog

  7. The package requirements are up-to-date (both in the requirements.txt and files)

Then we can open a new merge request on gitlab, requesting the merge of the dev on the master branch. Please use the following options:

  • Delete source branch after merge

  • Do not stash changes before merge

Then our merge request will be checked and only applied when approved by a project maintainer. While the merge request is open, we can add commits to it, and interact with other developers about the request. Until the merge request is approved and applied, we may have to come back to it and perform some changes.

When the merge request is approved and applied, the gitlab pipeline for the master branch will include a new extra job to deploy the new version of the package on PyPI which is triggered manually.

Then to ensure the correspondence between the release on gitlab and PyPI, we need to tag the commit of the release:

$ git checkout master
$ git pull
$ git tag v{a}.{b}.{c}
$ git push --tags

The tag can also be applied from the gitlab web page.