
Version policy

mcda uses semantic versioning to decide of its deprecation policy, API back-compatibility and version numbering.

A mcda release number is formatted: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH

API breaking changes must only occur in major releases. They must be documented in the doc-strings and announced whenever they are first thought of, but must only be enforced in a major release. If deprecation message doesn’t precise at which version the deprecation will be enforced, it is assumed to be the next major release. (any deprecation must at least indicate at which version it was introduced)

Minor releases will introduce new features, and deprecations.

Patch releases must only consist of small internal changes and bug fixes. Any changes that don’t introduce a change in the API or the package behaviour.

Note: behavioural changes may be made on minor or patches if the previous behaviour vas clearly not intended. (for example a fringe case in an algorithmic result that don’t conform to its implementation reference)

See our section about backward compatibility if you need more details. You can find deprection recipes here.

Python support

This package currently supports all released and maintained python versions (see https://devguide.python.org/versions/).

This corresponds to all versions of python>=3.8.

We may change our policy towards Numpy recommendations in the future (see NEP 29)

Python version subsequent changes

Here is the list of identified changes and improvements that will be unlocked after dropping support of older python versions:

  • 3.10+

    • All Union and Optional types can be replaced by simplier | symbol (see PEP-604)

  • 3.11+

    • typing_extensions module can be removed and Self imported systematically from typing (See PEP-673)